An Atlas of my World! Homework

To create an atlas of the world you live in, to enable someone (or something...) else to live your life.

  • Create an atlas containing information about where you live - country, county, city - maps of these areas would help locate your home.
  • An aerial plan of your bedroom - where are things in it? Draw the plan properly with a key and a title.
  • Sketch map of your route to school - what do you pass on the way? How do you travel?
    What subjects do you do at school? Pick a day in your timetable and use colours, pictures and symbols to represent each subject - making sure that you have a key!
  • After school and at weekends, are there any places you like to go, or people you like to visit? These can be nearby or relatives that live along way away.
  • Future dream destination - pick anywhere in the worl that you would like to visit and using a map, show where it is. Explain to the reader WHY you would like to go, what you imagine it to be like and how you would travel there.
  • Drawings and pictures would help to make this a very special final page.